Isnin, 11 Ogos 2008

my ixus 55

I love camera...haha salah bukan camera, actually, I love to take photo. Even the photo can't talk, but its tell you something. It tell you story behind. People laughing doesn't means that their happy...Hey..did you notice that when they know that somebody take their photo, they start to smile...a fren of mine who a photographer (for sure) have a different story. Ada niat lain. hahah....tambah2 lagi, time tukar2 baju (PENGANTIN), for them that the paling best part! LELAKI! Adib, aku kena pk dulu kalo nak amik ko tok jadik photographer aku...toing toing...toing.

Something that you did not realized, the feeling of the person who took the photo. For me I just layan..We have our own world to capture everthing that is biasa for norm people!But for me it tell me something. Something that I can't describe, even by using beautiful word!%$#@*&#.But I know that you can feel it, right? Feel the emotion, the happiness, evrthing is there!

I bought this ixus 55 in 2004..yaaa I really appreciate it.I spend my salary to buy this cute camera. It always with me, tapi Wina (my anak buah telah mencalarkan skrinnya). My fault coz leave it atas meja.

1 ulasan:

DreamCatcher berkata...

i dont hv camera! :( hi nana....